Laundry Love

Laundry Love is St. Michael’s response to assisting no/low income individuals by walking along side them to ensure they have clean clothes, clean bedding, and dignity. Each week volunteers from St. Michael’s wash & dry hundreds of loads of laundry at no costs to the guests being served. Laundry Love is a national movement among churches nation wide with each site independent of others. Each day, thousands of people are reached through love, dignity, and detergent by partnering with diverse groups and laundromats nationwide.

Laundry Love Hours:
Every Monday, 9:00 - 11:30 AM

Laundry Love Location:
Westside Laundry
2323 W. Colorado Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80904

To volunteer and help at Laundry Love

Contact The Rev. Gary Darress, Deacon, at

In 2022, St. Michael’s washed/dried 6,398 loads of laundry and served 2,351 guests and spent $13,975. The generosity of St. Michael’s Outreach Committee, Westside Cares, and individual donors allowed us to meet the needs in 2022!

To support Laundry Love at St. Michael’s:

  1. Send check payable to St. Michael’s Episcopal Church (Memo: Laundry Love) 7400 Tudor Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80919

  2. CLICK HERE to make a secure online donation (Select Fund: Laundry Love)

  3. To make a stock gift or special gift email to connect with our Finance Manager.

Questions or to learn more contact The Rev. Gary Darress, Deacon

To learn more about Laundry Love and to visit the National Laundry Love Website CLICK HERE.