Worship & Education

Sunday, September 22
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Nursery Care is available for children 5 and under from 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM. Join for coffee hour and fellowship after each service.
*ASL services provided at this Sunday’s 10:30 AM Service.

8:00 AM - Holy eucharist

9:15 AM - education for all

10:30 AM - Holy eucharist with choir

Upcoming Sunday Forums
9:15 - 10:10 AM

Sept. 22: Called to be christ’s hands & Feet

Learn how to use your hands and feet in new ways to be a reflection of Christ in the world.

Sept. 29: Called to Remember

As we mark the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, join Rev. Matt to learn about our church history and our patron saint.

Oct. 6: Called to Follow

As we celebrate Owen’s time at St. Mike’s and wish him well, come hear about his discernment process and his next steps.

Clergy Bible Study
Tuesdays, 8:00 AM
Beginning September 10

Join for an hour on Tuesday mornings in the Chapel downstairs for a thought-provoking Bible study led by our clergy as they dive into the upcoming lessons for Sunday. Together the group will explore the theological themes, historical context, and practical applications of the passages. All are welcome! (In-person offering only.)

Episcopal Essentials
Starting Sunday, Oct. 6
9:15 - 10:10 AM

New to the Episcopal Church or wanting to be confirmed, received, or reaffirm your baptism? Join our clergy team for an in-depth six-week course covering different topics of faith that include theology, doctrine, and history of the Episcopal Church.

Summer at St. Michael’s….Resting, Renewing, Reconnecting!

Popular Links & Clicks

The Daily Journey

Start each day with a dose of scripture and a spiritual prompt to help you grow your faith. Sign up for the Daily Journey that is emailed every morning.

Parish News & Events

Fall Archangel Newsletter Available

We have a full schedule of activities planned for the months ahead. CLICK HERE to access the September - October newsletter and prayerfully consider how you can get further engaged in the life of St. Michael’s!

Newcomer Lunch
September 22, 12:00 PM

All newcomers are invited to attend the Newcomer Luncheon on September 22, following the 10:30 AM service. Please come and meet clergy and staff, as well as other newcomers, and learn about St. Michael's. You don't need to have joined St. Mike's to attend. Click below to register.

All Parish Switchbacks Game
September 28, 6:00 PM

Come celebrate St. Michael's Weekend with a Switchbacks game! Cheer on the Switchbacks with your friends from St. Mike's at the beautiful Weidner Field as the team makes their push to the playoffs!

St. Michael’s Weekend
September 28 & 29

Worship, serve, and celebrate as we honor our patron saint! There are several opportunities to serve (CLICK HERE to visit sign-ups & registrations page), new Stations of the Cross will be dedicated, the services will be children focused, and there will be a celebratory Carnival following 10:30 AM worship.

St. Michael’s is now home to all seven volumes of the The Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition CXLI. To read a wonderful article featuring our work with the Bible since receiving it, CLICK HERE. To view the September 2023 dedication ceremony or if you would like to schedule a time to see The Saint John’s Bible with a trained docent, please click below.

Welcome to your spiritual home …

Watch our welcome video to catch a glimpse into our faith family. Join us in-person or online to experience St. Michael’s for yourself.

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is a family devoted to living out our faith and sharing our lives together. Together we learn, serve, worship, pray and support one another. Our principles are inspired by the message of Christ, meaning all are welcome here … whatever your background or age, history or lifestyle, race or ethnicity, gender identity, LGBTQIA+, relationship status or political affiliation, and whichever path you choose to commune with God, we believe that Jesus unites us all and makes us part of a greater family, one that is ever-connected by love.

We hope you will join us and learn more about what it is to be connected to the love of Christ through St. Michael's. To be directed to our Welcome page, CLICK HERE.

COVID Precautions & Guidelines - Caring for one another!

Throughout the pandemic, St. Michael’s has updated our safety guidelines and best practices several times. We kindly ask that if you are not feeling well or have any cold/flu/covid-like symptoms, please join us online to worship and refrain from coming in-person. We have eight high-flow HEPA air cleaners throughout the building to increase air flow and clean the air. If you have any questions about our current community covenant, please contact a member of the clergy and we will be happy to answer any questions you have. Thank you for caring for one another.

Get Connected & Learn More

Are you ready to grow spiritually? Are you looking for a spiritual home or a community where you can grow in your relationship with God, the world, your neighbors, and yourself? Complete the below form and a staff member will reach out to you in the coming days.


Join our Email List(s)

Do you want to learn more about the current events and ministries at St. Michael’s?

  • Sign up for All General Communications & Weekly eNews to stay connected and learn about opportunities for you to explore, grow, and deepen your faith.

  • Have kids at home? Sign up for the Children, Youth, Family Weekly eNews to learn about specific events geared towards our families and younger parishioners.

  • Are you ready to be fed daily? Sign up to receive the Daily Bible Journey for a daily email containing scripture and a spiritual prompt/question.